Friday, October 30, 2020


Ok, so I had a perfectly fine blog post almost written, and I was going to publish it last Thursday, but on Wednesday I did my civic duty and stood in line and voted early for my Preferred Candidates, which made me wonder how many other people were standing in line and voting early for their Preferred Candidates, and if so, who WERE those Preferred Candidates and how were things going for all of them,  and so I started flipping back and forth between CNN and Fox to try to get a Balanced View of Things, but the polls were one way on one channel and another way on another channel and then I started getting a little anxious and on top of that, see, my Preferred Candidates and a bunch of their best buddies kept texting me for money day after day and sometimes hour after hour which made me feel like I was the only one in the world who could save them, which is in fact what they kept telling me, and so I kept sending money to them but it was never enough, you know, never enough, they just kept texting, and so I finally started texting them to STOP IT for godssake, which only added to my guilt, but then I thought hey, why should I have guilt since I DID write one hundred postcards telling the Florida people to get off their rear ends and vote and I also mailed the postcards on October 26 EXACTLY AS I'D BEEN DIRECTED in case my house was bugged and someone was watching me, which I kind of think they were, not that I really believe that a bunch of stupid postcards are going to make a difference, plus even if everyone DOES vote, there are all those fake drop-off boxes and also ballots floating in rivers except maybe that's a lie and I don't have to worry, except what if it's NOT a lie and the rivers are absolutely CHOKED with ballots, all of which have the name of my Preferred Candidates on them, so it's no wonder I haven't been sleeping even when I take a buttload of Unisom, and it is furthermore no surprise that I keep having that old song going through my head about how "THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY, HO-HO HEE-HEE HA-HA" which embarrasses me because it's a very tone deaf and insensitive song except at this point I would indeed be happy if those nice young men in their clean white coats took me somewhere where life is beautiful all the time and the election was very many years ago and I did not have nasty awful stress,  and where I could publish an innocent post, which of course I'm not doing now, Mister Man, because who wants to read a stupid lighthearted post when THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT COULD END ON TUESDAY???? 

So, anyhow, I just wanted to explain to you why I didn't post last week.


  1. Well said, Bon! I can’t wait til this election is over! ( provided my preferred candidate wins!)

    1. And if our preferred candidates do not win, we must all form our own country somewhere.

  2. I feel like I'm living in the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (2020 Version). I'll save you a seat!

    1. Thank you, Steve. But we must avoid Nurse Ratched.


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